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Slatwall Panels
UK Installations

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Slatwall Fitting Guide

Slatwall panel UK installation guide on how to install slatwall panels, or why not click on request a quote for a fast slatwall delivery & installation service.

Slatwall Panels 

Revamp your shop with our very attractive, easy to clean slatwall panels. Our UK slatwall is manufactured to the highest specifications, giving you years of reliable performance, delivered from our centrally located warehouse. They are used in various environments such as shop slatwall, showroom slatwall, industrial slatwall, commercial slatwall, garage slatwall, bedroom slatwall and even restaurant slatwall. Slatwall can be fixed direct to solid internal walls but for best results should be fixed to timber battens or a specialist battening system. Slatwall systems are a popular and practical solution.  

Slatwall Panel Attaching 
Fix the vertical battens at a maximum of 600mm centres and level through To display heavy items, extra battens may be required. To achieve optimum flat results we recommend 'lattice' battening. Always insure panels butt together on the centre of a vertical batten Plan your layout before cutting any panels. When fixing panels, start from one corner and work progressively from one wall to the other. Slatwall panels are factory trimmed on the butting edges, so whenever possible try to put cut edges in a corner. Locate and cut apertures for electrical sockets before fixing the panel.  
Slatwall Panel Sizing 
If you're cutting panels on site with a portable power or jigsaw, do all the marking and cutting from the back to avoid damaging the face of the panel. If you're using a table saw, cut panels face up. 
Slatwall panels can be cut with standard wood-working tools. A TCT saw blade is recommended when cutting panels with aluminium inserts. A 'triple chip' tooth gives the best results for the combination of materials that may make up the panel.  
Installing Slatwall Panels
When installing the panels one above the other, the bottom panel should be fixed in place first, making sure it is levelled correctly. Panels should be fixed with screws at a maximum of 600mm centres both vertically and horizontally. To make fixings less visible and to prevent them snagging accessories, it is recommended the fixings be counter sunk.

Slatwall Panel UK installations please

Call now on 01487 812822

What people say about us...
TheShopFitter fitted out a school shop for us. The previous usage of the building was a laundry, so a full refit was necessary. The quality of the materials used were excellent, I found the fitters very helpful, and conscientious. The end product is absolutely fantastic. We have just opened today, to the delight of all the students

M Atkinson

St.Marys School, Ascot
My colleagues and I would like to thank you for you and your teams hard work and a fantastic job completed. I will definitely be using your company and services next time I plan another project. Our customers and my other colleagues have praised and complemented the new look of the shop.

D Hughes
Beadworks, Covent Garden

free shopfitting quotes

TheShopFitter 01487 812822 supply Slatwall Panels, Retail shop Counters, Shop Refits, Slatwall Solutions, Shopfitting, CAD Design, Retail Display Solutions, Bespoke Joinery Solutions, Flooring Services, Slatwall and Tegometall Shelving, Turnkey Shop Fitting Solutions, Plumbing, Electrical Work, Air Conditioning, Ceilings, Security Systems, Flooring, Lighting. Shopfitters for Music Shops, Charity Shops, Toy Shops, Retail Showrooms, Adult Shops, Pawn Brokers, Garden Centres, Corner Shops, Village Stores, Book Shops, Libraries, Art Galleries, Post Offices, Mobile Shops & Libraries, Sports Shops, Shoe Shops, Games Shops, Wholesalers, Club Shops, Wine Shops, Off Licenses, School Shops, Trade Counters, Gift Shops, Fishing Shops, Tackle Shops, Gun Shops.